Latest Podcast: Why Memory Matters in Palestine and Beyond

Why Memory Matters in Palestine and Beyond is a two-part initiative designed to help Sites of Conscience and their allies build a better understanding of what has led to the situation in Palestine today, encourage critical thinking, and inspire action towards building more peaceful societies everywhere.

Well over a year has passed since the attacks of October 7, 2023 and the subsequent atrocities committed against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. The horrific nature of the violence is evident in numerous reports and statements, including those issued by the International Court of Justice, the United Nations and Amnesty International, among many others. The situation could not be more urgent, particularly in Gaza where 90% of the population has been displaced, tens of thousands have been killed or injured – the majority of whom are women and children – and global food security experts are warning of a man-made famine. Immediate action is clearly needed to stop this catastrophic onslaught. 

So why is the world failing to stop these atrocities? What are the driving forces that have led to this current situation? What is needed to confront this? In this conversation series we explore these questions and more through the lens of memory – which is core to the work of all Sites of Conscience.

The first part of Why Memory Matters in Palestine and Beyond includes six recorded conversations – available as both a podcast and a video series on ICSC’s YouTube channel – with guest speakers from academia and the fields of human rights and cultural heritage. Available on January 13, 2025, the discussions focus on the root causes and false narratives that have led to today’s atrocities in Palestine. 

The second part is a live, three-day webinar taking place January 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2025 that brings together Sites of Conscience members and partners who have faced related injustices in Bangladesh, South Africa, Northern Ireland and elsewhere to reflect on the six conversations and share their experiences offering communities spaces for truth-telling, critical reflection and dialogue in even the most dire settings. To register for this event, please click here.

Our hope is that these conversations help us all build a better understanding of what has led to the situation in Palestine today, encourage critical thinking, and inspire action towards building more peaceful societies everywhere.

Learn more and access the conversation series here.