The Coalition is pleased to announce that applications for its 2019 Project Support Fund are now being accepted, with the consultation period taking place from May 16-June 25, 2019, and final applications due on July 1, 2019.
From theater projects for Afghan war victims to youth storytelling programs in Cambodia, 100 groundbreaking initiatives in 25 countries have been funded through the Project Support Fund since 2008.
This round of the Project Support Fund makes available capacity-building grants of up to $7,000 paired with programmatic support for the design and implementation of new Sites of Conscience programs and initiatives.
Thematic Focus
For an increasing number of Sites of Conscience, issues of justice and human rights are inextricably linked with concerns about migration. People are on the move like never before; and while the numbers of migrants and the welcomes they receive vary from one country and city to the next, these movements present challenges everywhere.
Sites of Conscience are uniquely positioned to provide communities with the tools and perspectives to combat racism, xenophobia, and other forms of intolerance linked to migration and immigration. Consequently, this Project Support Fund call for proposals invites members in good standing to submit proposals for innovative approaches to engaging local communities around these issues. We are specifically seeking groundbreaking projects that use dialogue to engage visitors and/or community partners in issues related to contemporary immigration and migration.
The Project Support Fund has a rigorous application process and project grants are awarded by a peer-led Grant Review Committee.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the PSF Coordinator at psf@sitesofconscience.org befo