European Sites of Conscience Network

The European Sites of Conscience Network works to leverage the power of Sites of Conscience to engage their communities in the most pressing regional issues including migration, xenophobia and a rise in nationalistic sentiments in order to address these challenges and promote tolerance. By using the lessons of history, ICSC-Europe aims to help Sites of Conscience create programs that foster empathy, civic engagement, and a deeper understanding of the consequences of injustice – all integral to building peaceful, tolerant societies. Collectively, the Network aims to foster open and peaceful societies that embrace diversity, protect human rights and support accountability; that critically engage with memory and history; that use dialogue as a tool to heal divisions and promote understanding and self-reflection; and that empower all its members to serve the common good by actively participating in democratic processes and public life with the goal to achieve human dignity for all.
In addition, the Network facilitates the sharing of methodologies and best practices throughout Europe, and enables European members to conduct exchanges with members in other regions. Joint projects include traveling exhibits and interactive installations that promote intercultural dialogue and understanding. Each year, ICSC-Europe convenes to deepen and share Sites of Conscience methodologies that transform historic sites into centers for active civic engagement. In 2015, European Sites of Conscience united to form a legally registered entity in Europe, the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience – Europe (ICSC-Europe). ICSC-Europe is coordinated by a Steering Committee of member sites.
For more information, or to become involved, please contact Justine DiMayo,
Senior Program Manager for Europe and MENA.
Regional Projects and Resources

European Symposium: Challenging Narratives, Fostering Empowerment and Collaborative Practice
The International Coalition of Sites of Conscience-Europe (ICSC-Europe), National Museums Liverpool (NML) and the Transatlantic Slavery and Legacies in Museums Forum (TSLMF) hosted the European symposium Challenging Narratives, Fostering Empowerment and Collaborative Practice from June 20-21, 2024, in Liverpool (UK).
The symposium provided participants a space to reflect on and engage in a peer-to-peer exchange on the specific role that museums and heritage sites play as agents of social transformation, challenging inherently discriminatory narratives, and building empowering and equitable community partnerships.

VoteWith Memory Campaign
A collective digital campaign aims to showcase how learning from European history can help us address current crises and avoid their escalation and repetition.

Lilliput Plus
The LILLIPUT PLUS project is an initiative of the multidisciplinary Lilliput Network and the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience – Europe (the Coalition) to pilot and systematize a new methodology for European historic museums and cultural centers to more effectively engage families in their programming.

Conflict and Legacy: The Role of Sites of Conscience
in Fostering Reconciliation
The 2022 European Sites of Conscience Meeting, hosted by the Bloody Sunday Trust and the Museum of Free Derry, in Derry, Northern Ireland, brought a focus on the important role that European Sites of Conscience play in promoting a better understanding of the legacies of violence, oppression and sectarianism within the region and abroad, and in transforming our diverse societies to be more tolerant, inclusive and peaceful. Check the event’s agenda here.