Latin American and Caribbean Sites of Conscience Network
The Latin America and Caribbean Sites of Conscience Network unites a wide range of communities and topics across Central and South America as well as the Caribbean. The Network focuses on building the capacity of sites remembering periods of violent internal conflicts and state terrorism in order to preserve the memory of what happened during these periods. Together they use this memory to influence contemporary political culture and work with young people to prevent all forms of authoritarianism in future generations. The Network also provides a collective voice for advocacy on behalf of memory work all over the region. The Network is committed to promoting democracy and respect of human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean through the recovery, construction and dissemination of collective memories about the serious violations of human rights and those who resisted them in both the past and present to achieve truth, justice, reparation and measures of non- repetition.
For more information, or to become involved, please contact Gegê Leme Joseph,
Regional Manager for Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Regional Projects and Resources

Truth-Telling in Colombia
To help those affected, and begin to bridge historic divides, the Coalition’s GIJTR is advising the Colombian Truth Commission on the best tools for collecting, documenting and sharing the stories of the conflict’s survivors – an integral step to ensuring lasting peace in the country.

Regional Strategic Plan