Apply Now
Sites of Conscience come in all shapes and sizes – from large organizations like the Smithsonian to small memory initiatives – but no member fights on their own. Our greatest strength is our solidarity.
We hope you’ll consider joining our growing movement today. For more information and to apply, please see below.
Who Can Join?
We welcome any institution that is committed to using history and place to promote human rights today. Members of the Coalition include museums, memorials, historic sites, public parks, memory initiatives, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). They are connected by their dedication to the operating principles of Sites of Conscience, which state that these special places:
- Interpret history through site
- Engage the public in programs that stimulate dialogue on pressing social issues
- Share opportunities for public involvement and positive action on the issues raised at the site
- Engage and act collectively as part of an interactive global movement to preserve memory, promote truth, and pursue justice
Academic Affiliates Program
We also have an Academic Affiliates Program for universities and other educational institutions interested in joining. For more information and to apply, click here.
Why Join?
Your membership is valid for one year from the date that you join, giving you access to a range of benefits, including direct grants, program support, networking opportunities, and advocacy.
How Much Does It Cost?
Your annual membership fee is proportional to the size of your organization’s annual budget:
- Less than $99,999: Pay what you can; suggested $100
- $100,000-$299,999: $200
- $300,000-$999,999: $400
- $1,000,000-$4,999,999: $600
- Over $5,000,000: $800
How Do I Join?
To join the Coalition, you must download and complete the application below and send it to memberinfo@sitesofconscience.org. The application will then undergo an internal review. You will be notified of next steps shortly thereafter. If you have questions, or need help with the application, please email: memberinfo@sitesofconscience.org