The National Museum of the History of Immigration is a multidisciplinary cultural, scientific and educational institution. Its mission is to gather, safeguard, promote and make accessible to the greatest number of people the history of immigration, in order to make known and recognize its role in the France of yesterday and today. The museum offers a broad approach, from a chronological (from 1685 to the present), geographical (France in the world) and thematic point of view: status, migration, demography, economy, daily life, culture, art, but also racism, discrimination, the relationship to slavery and colonization.
As part of this mission, the Museum is developing its territorial roots through strong collaboration with civil society. These actors of the network participate in the dissemination of knowledge on the history of immigration and in intercultural dialogue in the territories. At the request of this network of plural actors, the Museum has been offering since 2015 a flexible system of mobile exhibitions on the theme of immigration. Through this off-site offer, the Museum wishes to encourage interaction between its scientific, artistic and historical content and local, regional, national and international initiatives supported by a dynamic network throughout France and abroad. foreign. The continuous animation of this network contributes to make recognize the paths of the immigrant populations, individual and collective, local or national and to change the glances carried on immigration.