Kartyé Lib Mémoire & Patrimoine Océan Indien (Kartyé Lib MPOI) is a non-profit organization of general interest. It works on actions and projects aiming at the preservation and development of the historical and cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, protected and unprotected, of Reunion Island and of the Indian Ocean area in order to allow their transmission to future generations. Kartyé Lib MPOI seeks to contribute to the knowledge of the history of slavery in Reunion and in the Indian Ocean.
It is currently working on a project to rehabilitate and safeguard the former Julitette Dodu prison which was used without interruption, between 1718 and 2008 (290 years). The prison of Saint-Denis, located in the center of Reunion Island’s capital, was the main prison of the colony, then of the department of Reunion Island, between 1946 and 2008.
La Réunion