Grant Support
Launching a public program requires funds, technical know-how, and promotional marketing. Through the Project Support Fund, the Coalition provides these key resources in one comprehensive grant package.
What Is the Project Support Fund?
The Project Support Fund (PSF) provides capacity-building grants of up to $10,000 paired with one-on-one consultations with the Coalition’s staff to support the design and implementation of innovative new Sites of Conscience programs and initiatives that use the lessons of history to spark action on contemporary issues. The Project Support Fund has a rigorous application process and project grants are awarded by a peer-led Grant Review Committee.
To read about 2023 Awardees, click here. To learn more about recent PSF Awardees, click here.
PSF Guidelines
Please take a look at the PSF Guidelines, which are available in the following languages:
Who Can Apply?
All Coalition members in good standing (dues fully paid and membership information up to date) may apply. Please note that applicants must submit final narrative and financial reports from previous projects or exchanges before applying for new grants. Previous PSF recipients must wait a minimum of twelve months following the close of their most recent project to reapply.
When Is the Application Deadline?
Please note PSF Applications are temporarily closed. For future deadlines please contact Silvia Fernández, Global Networks Program Director at sfernandez@sitesofconscience.org, and Elena del Hoyo, Global Networks Associate at edelhoyo@sitesofconscience.org.
What Types of Projects Are Supported?
The Project Support Fund is designed for pilot projects that allow members to try new pioneering approaches. In recent years, grant recipients have created interactive digital maps of sites of atrocities; launched dynamic traveling exhibits to reach rural children; and produced radio shows featuring intergenerational dialogue on key human rights issues.
Applicants may apply for one of the following categories:
- On-site Projects: New and innovative public programs that inspire reflection and action on pressing issues, that use new technologies or methods, or that target new populations with which the site has not previously engaged. For example: human rights education programs, public dialogues on new issues, innovative exhibitions or site tours and programs that aim to create or use new tools that evaluate the impact of Sites of Conscience programming.
- Peer-Exchanges: Projects that focus on members learning from one other and promote exchange, collaboration and support between Coalition’s members, staff and Trustees. For example:
- Staff Exchanges: a representative from one Coalition’s site might visit another to learn how it implements a specific project;
- Consultancies: a Coalition’s site representative, Coalition’s Trustee, or Coalition’s staff member might provide expert support on a specific project;
- Mentoring: one Coalition’s site might seek mentoring from another Coalition’s site around a specific issue or need. The mentoring site may support the applicant site’s management/administration — its fundraising, marketing, financial management – communication and programmatic development as well as other types of strategic guidance.
- Advocacy Projects or Missions: a Coalition’s site Director, Coalition’s Trustee, and/or Coalition’s staff member might travel to a Coalition’s site to advocate for the site, sharing their international experience with local communities, authorities, or media to help legitimize and build public support for a site or a project.
For more information, please check out our PSF guidelines above.