Our Conscience Matters webinar series brings together members, ICSC staff, and special guests to probe pressing issues facing Sites of Conscience today and showcase innovative and effective strategies to help members energize their audiences and play a leading role in our global movement for memory.

Our Webinar Short series are 30- to 45-minute interactive sessions devoted to core elements of Sites of Conscience methodology, member profiles, and tools to support self-care and creativity.

For upcoming webinars, please visit our Events page.

Mon | June 10 | 2024 | 8:30 am

Safeguarding Memory: Approaches to Security in Memory Work

To continue supporting the daily work of Sites of Conscience in complex contexts and conditions around the world, ICSC is hosting a two-day, four-hour global virtual training, which will share key concepts, best practices and tools to carry out this work more securely. Safeguarding Memory: Approaches to Security in Memory Work is open to all ICSC members and will be held on Zoom on June 10 and 13, 2024, from 8:30 am – 10:30 am EST / 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm CET. The sessions will offer simultaneous interpretation in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

The training will be led by Security Specialist, Brett Edwards, a human rights attorney and management consultant with over 15 years of experience in working with partners from different contexts around the world. Sessions will cover best practices for common security issues, tools for how to improve security management within your organization, and tips for identifying and mitigating common risks. There will also be an opportunity to share experiences with and hear from other Sites of Conscience on issues related to security and risk management.

Tue | March 5 | 2024 | 11:00 am

State of Truth in the World Report: Africa

About this event

In this virtual session, we spotlighted the pivotal role played by civil society organizations in spearheading truth-telling initiatives from Guinea and The Gambia to Ethiopia and Sudan. Our distinguished panelists shared how locally-led truth-telling initiatives are crucial for addressing past atrocities and laying the groundwork for sustainable peace and reconciliation. A facilitated, roundtable discussion followed, focusing on strategies and best practices employed by civil society actors to navigate the challenges of truth-telling in fragile contexts, from leveraging technology for documentation and dissemination of testimonies to engaging with local communities in participatory dialogue and reconciliation processes.

Thu | January 18 | 2024 | 8:00 am

Violent Extremism and Transitional Justice Webinar

The threat of violent extremism is on the rise globally. From far-right-wing groups gaining legitimate political representation in Eastern Europe to armed attacks by militia groups in the Sahel region of Africa, to the continued threat of terrorism following the Easter bombing attacks in Sri Lanka in 2019, each of these pose unique challenges and opportunities in the transitional justice space. In practice, transitional justice seeks to address human rights abuses that occur during conflict and authoritarianism and examine the consequences on communities and victims. Violent extremism can derail the success and sustainability of transitional justice processes before, during and after their mandates expire, as extremists continue to perpetuate violence. These groups are often excluded from transitional justice mechanisms; when they are included in accountability mechanisms, such as national criminal justice systems, it is usually in ways that fail to recognize the gravity of their crimes. The threat of terrorism and related offences are often met with militarized responses that attempt to contain and combat their reach and influence, as opposed to community-level approaches. While securitized responses are necessary to combat the threat of extremism, such a response on its own is not effective. As has been observed in conflict settings, there are some people associated with these groups that are driven to do so by economic, survival-driven needs and not ideological association, such as forcibly married women, kidnapped children, drivers, doctors, or communities that are unwillingly under a group’s territorial control. This nuance is where transitional justice mechanisms can offer multi-layered approaches to justice and accountability for communities and states. Furthermore, the community-level approaches to guarantees of non-recurrence and truth-telling can provide further insight into root causes that violent extremist groups use to form and recruit in the first place and disrupt and discredit harmful narratives used by extremist groups.

In this webinar, GIJTR partners Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR), International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC) and the Foundation Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) will share findings of their recent project on how transitional justice tools could be harnessed to address aspects of the threat of violent extremism across three regions – Africa (specifically Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger), the Balkan region, and Asia (specifically Sri Lanka). This event will include the launch of the project’s policy paper, and will explore key findings by local GIJTR partners working on this topic over the last year. In particular, this session will share utilized transitional justice-based tools to address radicalization and violent extremism, such as the following: community dialogues as truth-telling and reconciliation processes; justice and accountability processes, including alternative justice mechanisms, in the context of mass criminality; trauma-informed responses to communities affected by violent extremism; institutional reform within state structures to bridge the gaps created by mistrust between security forces and communities; and reparations, including community-based memorialization, for communities affected by violent extremism.

Simultaneous interpretation available in French

This event is free and open to the public. To register, click here.

Thu | November 16 | 2023 | 10:00 am

Cultivating Peace: Healing Communities Through Healing the Earth

Sites of Conscience around the globe engage on issues related to healthy environments in multiple ways, including advocating for solutions to the climate crisis and highlighting the disproportionate effect of climate change on marginalized communities. In our next webinar, “Cultivating Peace: Healing Communities Through Healing the Earth,” we will explore how to foster more resilient, equitable and healthy communities through programming that directly engages with nature and offers new approaches to how communities understand their land both past and present.

The webinar will be held on November 16th, 10:00am (EST) and will bring together in conversation Jen Kretser, Director of Climate Initiatives at the Wild Center, a U.S. Site of Conscience in the Adirondacks, and Denis Ngala, Founder of the Manene Cultural Trust, a member in Kenya. Together they will share their experiences and strategies using nature as a springboard to foster a deeper understandings of how different communities—particularly Indigenous ones—have interpreted specific landscapes, how to encourage communities to care for the land in big and small ways, and how to develop innovative programming around the environment that promotes our shared humanity in an increasingly polarized world.  

Thu | October 19 | 2023 | 10:00 am

Interpreting the Unknown: Being Adaptive as a Place of Memory

At historical sites, the available historical evidence rarely tells the whole story. Longstanding systems of inequality and injustice have dismissed the experiences of racial and ethnic minorities, women and other marginalized groups to such an extent that often little evidence of their past lives exists today. How can Sites of Conscience and likeminded organizations navigate this difficult fact? How do we tell stories about the spaces and lives that have no verifiable, historical record connected to them? 

Join us on October 19th, at 10:00am (E.T) for “Interpreting the Unknown: Being Adaptive as Places of Memory” as we offer strategies and insight into how Sites of Conscience can share histories even when they don’t have all the facts.

Thu | September 28 | 2023 | 10:00 am

The Legacy of the Settlement House Movement

Around the turn of the 20th century, the American Settlement House Movement arose as an innovative approach to addressing social issues caused by rapid industrialization and unchecked capitalist greed. In particular, Settlement Houses provided help to the growing number of immigrants living and working in American cities. Join us for an exploration of how the movement and the work continues into the present day. Speakers Nadia Maragha (Jane Addams Hull House Museum, Chicago), Dakota Russell (The House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association, Salem, MA), and Katie Vogel (Henry Street Settlement, New York) will describe how their unique organizations tell the stories of the Settlement movement and carry on its vision for a new century. Kenneth Turino, Past President of The House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association, will moderate.

Thu | August 10 | 2023 | 10:00 am

No Place Like Home: Housing as a Human Right

The right to adequate housing, including the ability to live “somewhere that is in keeping with your culture” with “access to appropriate services, schools, and employment,” is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and yet, around the world, cities are becoming progressively unequal, with vulnerable minorities being pushed out through gentrification and spatial segregation. This often has a ripple effect, deepening inequity and limiting socio, cultural and economic diversification in areas with privileged infrastructure.

On July 20th, 2023, at 10:00am (ET), join “No Place Like Home: Housing as a Human Right,” a webinar hosted by the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience that will examine social and affordable housing initiatives that are working to democratize access to urban spaces, foster co-existence, and counter systems that expel people with less economic power to peripheral areas deprived of services and opportunities.

Thu | June 22 | 2023 | 11:00 am

Organizational Change

Our understanding of history is, in so many ways, a process – one that unfolds overtime as new research unveils new perspectives, communities engage with organizations in new ways and advocacy efforts amplify the silenced voices of the past. As a result, Sites of Conscience and like-minded organizations are in a constant state of growth and change. In this Webinar Short, join Linda Norris, ICSC’s Senior Specialist in Methodology and Practice, as she shares some creative and accessible tips for welcoming change and even initiating it at your organization whether your organization is a new start-up or a long-established one. Hint: start small!

Thu | June 15 | 2023 | 10:00 am

Descendant Communities

In post-conflict settings around the world, family members often play a galvanizing role in advocating for truth and justice for their loved ones lost to war and violence. In North America, through the use of family records, oral histories, and some formal documentation, descendants of enslaved communities have become powerful advocates for uncovering, preserving, and amplifying the history of their ancestors.

In our next webinar, we will shine a spotlight on these dynamic communities – examining the importance of these vital groups and how Sites of Conscience can better engage and work with them today. We will be joined by Elizabeth Chew, of James Madison’s Montpelier, a representative of the Montpelier Descendant Committee, as well as Bill Green from the Clotilda Descendants Association. Watch here.

Thu | May 25 | 2023 | 10:00 am

The Body Remembers: Exploring the Effect of Trauma on the Body

Conflict traumatizes societies in multiple ways. Most concretely, it damages infrastructure, obliterating houses, schools, and cultural sites. It also destroys the social fabric by poisoning feelings of trust and commonality among community members. An equally common, but often overlooked result of conflict is the devastating and long-lasting effect it has on bodies. The body may serve as evidence of physical violence through scars or missing limbs, but also frequently carries less visible, but still life-altering signs of trauma, from anxiety and insomnia to a more general unease that can be difficult to name but leads to further marginalization of victims. In this webinar, we will explore how conflict, and injustice more generally, presents itself in our individual and collective bodies. Panelists will also provide insight into ways to counteract this damage through art-based and somatic healing methods.

Thu | April 27 | 2023 | 10:00 am

The Human Right to a Healthy Environment Share

April is Earth Month, to celebrate we are highlighting the great work of our member Villa Grimaldi and their climate justice project “Sites of Conscience and Vulnerated Territories: The Human Right to Live in a Healthy Environment”. Join our Global Networks Associate in Global Programs Elena del Hoyo Corral and Daniel Rebolledo Hernández from Villa Grimaldi as they talk about the project, its goals, importance, and vision for the future of Chilean climate justice.

Thu | April 20 | 2023 | 10:00 am

The Movement for Memory in Mexico

Movements for memory can take many forms – from campaigns that advocate for national policies and laws to more spontaneous gatherings of activists that incorporate civil disobedience and other types of non-violent direct action. On April 20th, join our next Conscience Matters webinar, as we explore the synergies between these strategies through the context of Mexico, where families of the disappeared, memory practitioners, and other activists have spent years amplifying the vital role of public memory and countering harmful government narratives through multiple channels. The webinar will bring together key figures involved in these movements to discuss the many ways public memorials can be transformed, as well as the opportunities and challenges of creating memory laws in the country. The webinar will be conducted in Spanish with English interpretation.

Thu | March 23 | 2023 | 10:00 am

Reparations 101: Who, What, Where, When and Why

Since the advent of the Black Lives Matter movement, “reparations” are often referred to in the media, but what exactly they are is not always understood. What is their purpose? How might they be dispersed? To whom? And what role do they have in connecting ideas of justice to the legacies of slavery in the United States? On March 23, 2023, join Ereshnee Naidu-Silverman, Senior Director of the Global Transitional Justice Initiative at ICSC, for our next Webinar Short, which will explore these questions and more through a global lens.

Thu | March 16 | 2023 | 10:00 am

How to Memorialize Public Sites of Violence Against African Americans

Join us for a discussion on how to memorialize sites of violence against Black Americans. The conversation will be moderated by Jamira Burley – an award winning activist and international speaker – and welcome guests from Sites of Conscience, including Benjamin Saulsberry, the Public Engagement & Museum Education Director at our member site The Emmett Till Interpretive Center.

Thu | February 23 | 2023 | 9:00 am

Atrocity Prevention &Transitional Justice: Understanding the Linkages

The linkages between atrocity prevention and transitional justice are significant, but frequently overlooked. This roundtable will highlight the nexus between transitional justice and atrocity prevention by focusing on the role of psychosocial support, documentation and archives in upstream prevention and the need for gender justice in larger prevention efforts.

Thu | February 23 | 2023 | 11:00 am

American LGBTQ+ Museum an Interview with Ben Garcia

Join the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC) as we welcome Ben Garcia, the Executive Director of the American LGBTQ+ Museum, to discuss the Museum’s scheduled 2024 opening, its mission and programming, and how you can be involved.
The conversation is part of ICSC’s Webinar Short series which features 30-minute sessions on the latest developments in the world of Sites of Conscience and their allies.

Thu | February 16 | 2023 | 10:00 am

Disarming Americans: Museums Take on Gun Control

Situated in “red” states and “blue” states, big cities and rural communities, Sites of Conscience and their allies are uniquely positioned to foster constructive dialogue on gun control among a wide subset of people. But how? On February 16, 2023 – shortly after the fifth anniversary of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which killed 17 people and injured 17 more – join us as we discuss how museums and memory sites can memorialize gun violence, deepen our understanding of the history and mythology surroundings guns in America, and spark productive conversations on gun control that transcend political and ideological divides.

Thu | January 26 | 2023 | 10:00 am

Webinar Short: What’s Not Working?

To ring in the new year, join Braden Paynter, Director of Methodology, as he leads a short discussion on the best of what didn’t work in 2022 in order to identify new and more effective strategies moving into 2023. If you have any insights, big fails, and lessons learned that you would like to share ahead of time, please email coalition@sitesofconscience.org.

Thu | January 19 | 2023 | 10:00 am

Mobilizing Memory: Defending Cultural Memory During Conflicts

Join us in conversation with Ihor Poshyvailo from Maidan Museum, a member in Kyiv, and Hadi Marifat, founder of member the Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization, as they share insights into the ways national memory affects conflict, how cultural practitioners do their work during conflicts, and how the outside world can support them.

Wed | October 12 | 2022 | 8:00 am

Halting Hate: A Bottom-up Approach to Understanding and Fighting Hate Speech in the Asia Pacific

In the Asia Pacific, like in other regions of the world, the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated alarming trends of scapegoating and hate speech against minority groups. Who are the primary targets? Through which channels does hate speech spread? And, looking at solutions, what can civil society do? In this webinar, the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC) and the Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes (GAAMAC) will bring together three experts from the field to explore a bottom-up approach to understanding and fighting hate speech.

Thu | September 29 | 2022 | 10:00 am

Labor and Sites of Conscience

Workers’ rights are human rights the world over. Join the Coalition’s Braden Paynter as he speaks with members about connecting the history of labor to contemporary issues of workers’ rights. View the resource here.

Thu | July 21 | 2022 | 10:00 am

Public Historians and the Climate Crisis

In this Conscience Matters webinar, join Braden Paynter, Director of Methodology and Practice, as he speaks to Sites of Conscience members about environmental justice in the context of history and the present. View the resource here.

Thu | May 26 | 2022 | 10:00 am

We Are Present

In this session, we virtually launched “We Are Present: Women’s Histories of Conflict, Courage, and Survival,” our latest virtual publication. View the resource here.

Thu | April 21 | 2022 | 10:00 am

Reporting for Change: Engaging Media Outlets to Support Transitional Justice

In this Conscience Matters webinar, learn strategies for navigating security concerns and press restrictions to support transitional justice. View the resource here.

Thu | March 24 | 2022 | 10:00 am

History vs. Hunger: Supporting Economic Empowerment Through Memory Work

Join Coalition staff and members as they discuss ways to support economic empowerment and sustainability through memory work. View the resource here.

Wed | February 23 | 2022 | 10:00 am

Burnout: Strategies to Avoid – Webinar Short

Learn the definition and many signs of burnout as well as ways to help prevent it from happening. View the resource here.

Thu | February 17 | 2022 | 10:00 am

Strengthening Museums to Foster Resilience

In this Conscience Matters webinar, hear from North American members who participated in the Coalition’s 18-month, IMLS-funded project on supporting museums and historic sites to build social resilience in their communities after Covid-19. View the resource here.

Fri | January 21 | 2022 | 10:00 am

Centering Indigenous Experiences

Listen and learn as facilitators and artists discuss their experience with the Coalition’s recently concluded In Dialogue: A Community-Centered Public Art Project Reflecting Tulsa’s Inter-tribal Identity in Mvskoke Territory, which aimed to help the city reimagine new artistic representations of its diverse Native community. View the resource here.

Tue | January 11 | 2022 | 12:00 am

New Member Webinar

In this Conscience Matters webinar, join Coalition staff as they welcome new members from across the globe and discuss the benefits of membership. This webinar is also beneficial for those considering joining the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience. View the resource here.

Thu | December 16 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Racism, Ethnicity, and Xenophobia

Learn about the renewed Global Responsibility to Protect and ways that communities can take action against discrimination. View the resource here.

Fri | December 10 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Global Action: Virtual Advocacy in Support of Women, Girls, and the LGBTQIA+ Community

In this webinar, hear from the recipients of the Coalition’s third and final Community Engagement Grant initiative: “Virtual Advocacy In Support of Women, Girls, & the LGBTQIA+ Community.” View the resource here.

Wed | December 1 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Reaching People Outside of Digital Spaces – Webinar Short

Learn strategies for ensuring that all members of a community are included in Sites of Conscience programming. View the resource here.

Tue | November 30 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Global Action: Inter-Religious Understanding Through Graphic Arts

Hear from the seven recipients of the Coalition’s second Community Engagement Grant initiative: “Inter-Religious Understanding Through Graphic Arts.” View the resource here.

Thu | November 18 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Language and Terms

Learn the ways you can avoid and confront problematic language in terms in museum collections and archives. View the resource here.

Thu | November 4 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Navigating Visitor Comments Effectively – Webinar Short

Learn strategies for avoiding careless commentary and effectively engaging with it when it does occur. View the resource here.

Thu | October 21 | 2021 | 10:00 am

The Role of CSOs and Non-State Actions in Contributing Toward Reparations

Learn how CSOs and other non-state actors can foster understanding and action around reparations in post-conflict societies. View the resource here.

Wed | October 13 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Member Spotlight: National Human Rights Museum

Learn about the National Human Rights Museum in Taiwan and its programming and exhibitions. View the resource here.

Tue | October 12 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Global Action: Racism Past to Present Through a New Lens

In this webinar, hear from the six Community Engagement Grant awardees as they share their projects. This is part one of a series of Coalition sponsored global action grants. View the resource here.

Wed | October 6 | 2021 | 10:00 am

When to Engage and Disengage from Harmful Behavior – Webinar Short

Learn strategies facilitators, activists, and thought leaders can use to deepen conversations at your site or organization. View the resource here.

Thu | September 23 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Transitional Justice and Religious Leaders

Learn the ways to engage religious leaders in support of truth-telling, justice, and healing processes. View the resource here.

Wed | September 8 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Land Acknowledgements – Webinar Short

Learn strategies for meaningfully incorporating land acknowledgements into work and life. View the resource here.

Wed | August 25 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Challenging Bias Against Women and the LGBTQIA+ Community – Webinar Short

Hear from Global Networks Program Director, Silvia Fernandez, as she previews the Coalition’s third and final global workshop of 2021. View the resource here.

Thu | August 19 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Art and Healing and Sites of Conscience

Hear from panelists to learn how body mapping and other art forms have fostered healing around the globe. View the resource here.

Wed | August 4 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Exploring Digital Dialogues – Webinar Short

Hear from Braden Paynter, Director of Methodology, as he shares strategies for engaging staff and visitors in dialogue in digital spaces. View the resource here.

Wed | July 28 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Member Spotlight: Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project

Ana Edwards, Chair of Sacred Ground, discusses the Project’s mission to expand community understanding of its public history resources. View the resource here.

Thu | July 22 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Rewriting History: Lessons from Eurasia

In this webinar, hear from Sites of Conscience members from Eurasia about Soviet legacies, truth, nationalism, and more. View the resource here.

Mon | July 12 | 2021 | 12:00 am

Embracing Religious Diversity – Webinar Short

This Webinar Short will preview the second global workshop of the Coalition’s 2021 Global Summit. View the resource here.

Thu | June 17 | 2021 | 10:00 am

LGBTQIA+ and Transitional Justice

Panelists discuss the historical roots of discrimination against LGBTQIA+ populations. View the resource here.

Thu | May 20 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sites of Conscience

Hear from Sites of Conscience as they share ways that intangible cultural heritage can strengthen communities. View the resource here.

Wed | May 12 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Reckoning with Racism – Webinar Short

This Webinar Short will preview the first global workshop of the Coalition’s 2021 Global Summit. View the resource here.

Wed | April 28 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Overcoming Organizational Fears of Failure – Webinar Short

In this session, you’ll learn specific strategies on ways to help organizational teams manage challenging situations. View the resource here.

Wed | April 21 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Member Spotlight: The Human Rights Center for Memory and Archives

Learn about the Human Rights Center for Memory and Archives’ efforts to defend human rights in Morocco. View the resource here.

Thu | April 15 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Last in Line: Racism and the History of Public Health

Using examples from past and present, panelists discuss the history between public health and discrimination. View the resource here.

Thu | March 25 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Front and Center: Women, Grassroots Atrocity Prevention, and Justice Initiatives

Panelists will examine their work and how peace processes can address gendered components of conflict. View the resource here.

Wed | March 24 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Considering Dialogue

Presenters consider dialogue used by Sites of Conscience to examine what is necessary for dialogue to be effective. View the resource here.

Wed | March 24 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Member Spotlight: Single Mothers Association of Kenya

Guests discuss how community-based initiatives can empower disadvantaged youth and foster brighter futures. View resource here.

Tue | March 16 | 2021 | 10:00 am

What Is a Site of Conscience?

Using examples from members, presenters will show how Sites of Conscience use histories to spark action. View the resource here.

Fri | March 12 | 2021 | 10:00 am

TikTok, Trolls, and Sites of Conscience – Webinar Short

Linda Norris, Senior Specialist in Methodology and Practice, offers tips for responding to hostile online commentary. View the resource here.

Thu | February 25 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Revamping Your Exhibit

In this webinar, learn simple strategies to update your exhibitions and engage your community in the process. View the resource here.

Wed | February 10 | 2021 | 12:00 am

Bridging Partisanship – Webinar Short

This session will briefly share frameworks for analyzing how museums and historic sites can navigate partisan divides. View the resource here.

Wed | January 27 | 2021 | 10:00 am

Member Spotlight: Maidan Museum

Join us as we welcome the Maidan Museum to discuss institutional challenges and developments in Ukraine. View the resource here.

Thu | January 21 | 2021 | 12:00 am

Redefining the Museum

ICOM has sought to refine its definition of a museum. Join the Coalition in identifying key words and themes that will be shared with ICOM. View the resource here.

Wed | December 16 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Rethinking Migration Museums Around the World

Migration Museums in Australia, Italy and France discuss the process of rethinking exhibitions to reflect current issues around migration. View the resource here.

Thu | November 12 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Justice Now: What Would a Truth Commission Look Like in America?

Presented in collaboration with GIJTR, this session considered what an effective truth and justice commission might look like in the United States. View the resource here.

Wed | October 28 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Vote! – Webinar Short

This session discussed how museums can support ongoing voting in their communities and how they can support a fair tallying of votes. View the resource here.

Wed | October 14 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Democracy on the Brink – Webinar Short

This webinar will look at how museums can help grow democracies and give participants a chance to share challenges and opportunities. View the resource here.

Thu | October 8 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Mourning at a Distance: Grief and Memorialization During Covid-19

Sites of Conscience, offering strategies and examples of effective memorials and memory initiatives that honor loss in times of crisis. View the resource here.

Wed | September 30 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Storytelling and the Bedchel Test – Webinar Short

Applying the Bedchel Test to sites our storytelling gives us a powerful tool to build programming that helps us challenge systems of power. View the resource here.

Thu | September 24 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Decolonizing the Future: Education, Resilience and Challenging Myths

Educators from First Nations share experiences and strategies for supporting communities affected by oppression, with a focus on education. View the resource here.

Wed | September 16 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Member Spotlight: Whitney Plantation

Ashley Rogers, Executive Director of the Whitney Plantation, talks about the museum’s history, activities, and challenges posed by Covid-19. View the resource here.

Wed | September 9 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Dealing with Difficult People – Webinar Short

In this webinar, Linda Norris, Coalition’s Director of Global Network, shares some concrete tools to help you connect with visitors. View the resource here.

Thu | September 3 | 2020 | 10:00 am

The Welcome Brigade: Self-Care for Front-Line Workers at Museums

This session shares experiences, techniques, and strategies from Sites of Conscience to support front-line workers during this “new normal.” View the resource here.

Thu | August 27 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Say What? Navigating Harmful Visitor Responses

This webinar explores a variety of tools to draw on when comments from visitors or other stakeholders are harmful or elevate tensions. View the resource here.

Wed | August 26 | 2020 | 10:00 am

What Next? Perspectives on the Future of Divisive Monuments

Historians, activists and museum practitioners discuss ways how to transform divisive objects/spaces into ones that support racial equity. View the resource here.

Wed | August 19 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Member Spotlight: Casa Memoria José Domingo Cañas

Casa Memoria José Domingo Cañas comparte acerca de su ardua labor para la protección de derechos humanos en Chile. Vea el recurso aquí.

Wed | August 12 | 2020 | 10:00 am

How We Spend Matters – Webinar Short

Explore tools to support Black creators, identify systemic barriers to business participation, and play a role in addressing access challenges. View the resource here.

Wed | August 5 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Finding Joy – Webinar Short

This session explores how organizations can incorporate the importance of joy into their methodologies with both visitors and staff. View the resource here.

Thu | July 30 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Real Fake News: On Democracy and Media in Crisis

Sites of Conscience from Syria, Turkey, and special guest from Germany talk about their efforts to monitor and offset destructive media outlets. View the resource here.

Wed | July 29 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Facilitar los diálogos virtuales – Webinar Short

Estrategias de diálogo en espacios digitales a medida que se exploran nuevas plataformas para fomentar el cuidado y la comprensión. Vea el recurso aquí.

Wed | July 22 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Using Constraints to Boost Your Creativity – Webinar Short

Understand how approaching limits as creative constraints can lead to surprising, innovative solutions to the challenges facing us today. View the resource here.

Thu | July 16 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Stolen Childhoods: How to Help Youth Move from Painful Pasts to Promising Futures

Sites of Conscience from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile and Rwanda discuss how to amplify children’s stories to support healing and action. View the resource here.

Wed | July 15 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Member Spotlight: Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center & Cemetery

Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center & Cemetery talks about their work preserving and honoring the stories of the Srebrenica Genocide. View the resource here.

Wed | July 8 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Reopening Society – Webinar Short

Coalition staff and members share experiences re-opening Sites of Conscience amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. View the resource here.

Wed | July 1 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Anniversaries – Are They Worth It? – Webinar Short

Director of Methodology and Practice Braden Paynter examines the complicated role of historic anniversaries in advocacy efforts. View the resource here.

Fri | June 26 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Whose Hero? New Perspectives on Monuments in Public Spaces (Workshop)

A four-hour workshop that supports participants in reimagining or creating new monuments from indigenous and feminist angles. View the resource here.

Wed | June 24 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Whose Hero? New Perspectives on Monuments in Public Landscapes

Four women artists and activists explore landscapes and monuments through indigenous and feminist perspectives. View the resource here.

Wed | June 24 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Music Club: Listening to Pieces Recommended by Members – Webinar Short

Three Sites of Conscience share music pieces that have had a transformative effect on issues past and present at their organizations. View the resource here.

Thu | June 18 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Covid-19, Transitional Justice, and Atrocity Prevention

Guests discuss the effect Covid-19 is having on transitional justice and atrocity prevention efforts around the globe. Co-hosted with GAAMAC. View the resource here.

Wed | June 17 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Activism and Advocacy During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Practitioners and advocates discuss grassroots organizing strategies and virtual opportunities for protesting under duress. View the resource here.

Wed | June 10 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Definitions of Justice – Webinar Short

Coalition staff and participants converse about different definitions of justice and how each can inform Sites of Conscience. View the resource here.

Fri | June 5 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Weddings at Former Plantations? Determining Event and Visitor Behavior Policies at Historic Sites

Members from the US and Germany compare their experiences hosting private events at historic sites that remember traumatic events. View the resource here.

Tue | June 4 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Exiled: Migration and Refugee Communities During Covid-19

Coalition members from Asia and the Middle East analyze the relationship between migration and public health, past and present. View the resource here.

Wed | June 3 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Member Spotlight: The Partition Museum

Staff from the Partition Museum, a Coalition member in India, discusses its oral histories, personal artifacts, and response to Covid-19. View the resource here.

Wed | May 27 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Understanding Crisis Through a Transitional Justice Lens – Webinar Short

Senior Director of the Coalition’s GIJTR Ereshnee Naidu explains how Sites of Conscience might engage transitional justice in their work. View the resource here.

Thu | May 21 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Women and Covid-19

Partners and members discuss the particular hurdles women face during the pandemic and suggest strategies for offering them support. View the resource here.

Wed | May 20 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Memorializing Covid-19 – Webinar Short

Examples of effective memory initiatives from Sites of Conscience across the globe inspire thoughts on Covid-19 and memorialization. View the resource here.

Wed | May 13 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Create Your Own Media: Communications Strategies for Challenging Times

Communications Director Ashley Nelson showcases media tools for an array of platforms to assist members in advocacy and promotion. View the resource here.

Wed | May 13 | 2020 | 11:00 am

Perspectives from Around the World – Webinar Short

The Coalition’s Regional Managers summarize emerging themes related to Covid-19 from members around the world. View the resource here.

Mon | May 11 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Self-Care, Sites of Conscience, and Covid-19

Celeste Matross from the Centre for Violence and Reconciliation in South Africa discusses self-care and guides participants in a meditation exercise. View the resource here.

Wed | May 6 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Building a More Just and Humane “New Normal” – Webinar Short

Sites of Conscience explore how crises like pandemics can lead to expansions or constrictions of civil and human rights. View the resource here.

Wed | April 29 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Digital Dialogue – Webinar Short

Director of Methodology and Practice Braden Paynter offers strategies for engaging staff and visitors in dialogue in digital spaces. View the resource here.

Thu | April 23 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Covid-19 and Vulnerable Groups

Members from Sri Lanka, South Africa and Bosnia and Herzegovina share strategies for helping vulnerable communities during challenging times. View the resource here.

Wed | April 15 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Facilitated Dialogue on Covid-19

Braden Paynter, Director of Methodology and Practice, facilitates a dialogue on the challenges Covid-19 poses to members. View the resource here.

Thu | April 9 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Finding Support: Cultural Programming in Challenging Times

Director of Development Sara Murphy shares resources and strategies for funding, grant proposals and reporting in challenging times. View the resource here.

Wed | March 18 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Countering Exclusion: Activating Women’s Stories

Sites of Conscience from Australia and Nepal explore how art can be used to incorporate women’s stories into official narratives. View the resource here.

Wed | January 22 | 2020 | 10:00 am

Facilitación Diálogos dinámicos

Involucrar al público en conversaciones difíciles y controvertidas no es fácil, pero a menudo necesario. Encuentra como hacerlo en esta sesión. Vea el recurso aquí.

Tue | November 19 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Evaluating Programs

Coalition staff and members showcase a variety of evaluation methods focused on creating impactful cultural programs. View the resource here.

Thu | October 10 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Rethinking Columbus: On Symbolic Reparations and Indigenous Histories

Members from the Americas examine how symbolic reparations can foster healing related to indigenous and colonial histories. View the resource here.

Thu | September 19 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Tactics for Responding to Partisan and Repressive Administrations

Sites of Conscience offer solutions for when their organizational missions are threatened by political agendas or repressive administrations. View the resource here.

Wed | August 28 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Listening to Women: Collecting Stories After War

Coalition Board, staff and members discuss challenges women face in sharing their stories and suggest strategies for overcoming them. View the resource here.

Thu | July 18 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Engaging Exhibit Labels

Senior Specialist of Methodology and Practice Linda Norris introduces practical exercises to help Sites of Conscience craft powerful labels for their exhibitions. View the resource here.

Wed | May 29 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Women in War: Stopping Sexual Violence in Conflict

Staff and guests discuss how to strengthen justice and accountability around sexual violence against women. Co-hosted with GAAMAC. View the resource here.

Thu | May 16 | 2019 | 12:00 am

Collecting the Now

Sites of Conscience examine different types of contemporary collecting around civil rights, activism and truth and reconciliation efforts. View the resource here.

Thu | April 18 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Hosting Dynamic Dialogues

Methodology and Practice Director Braden Paynter shares tools to navigate difficult histories through dialogue-based programming. View the webinar here.

Thu | March 14 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Trauma to Transformation, Incarceration to Activism

Sites of Conscience share strategies for foregrounding women’s experiences of trauma, imprisonment, activism and healing. View the resource here.

Fri | February 15 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Wikipedia 101 en Español

Human Rights Wiki Project discute el movimiento por el conocimiento libre y las estrategias para crear atractivas entradas de Wikipedia. Vea el recurso aquí.

Thu | February 14 | 2019 | 10:00 am

Wikipedia 101

Human Rights Wiki Project discusses the movement for free knowledge and strategies for creating engaging Wikipedia entries. View the resource here.