Our World Heritage is calling upon Sites of Conscience and other organizations to propose new ways to use technology to monitor World Heritage Sites and amplify the stories they tell.

The digital revolution is changing the ways in which people know, understand, use, and visit heritage sites. How is the World Heritage Convention addressing this historical transformation? How can collective knowledge and big data become tools for heritage conservation and foster its integration into comprehensive planning systems? How can IT support transparency in, and access to, decision making and management processes of the Convention? How can digital technologies, including social media, promote heritage education, awareness and support to the cultural and creative industries?

To answer these questions, Our World Heritage is launching a global competition to highlight transformational uses of technology that increase community engagement in the monitoring, interpretation, and presentation of World Heritage Sites. This competition is designed to celebrate innovative approaches to fostering engagement in heritage sites through the use of Information Technologies, with a special focus on projects that are grounded in the needs and vision of local communities caring for sites.

Be a part of the conversation. Submit your idea by January 29, 2020. For details on submissions, visit here.